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My Approach to Yoga Therapy & Teaching

  • Regarding Touch (eg. Hands-On Assists)
    I very rarely offer hands-on assists. I prefer to offer verbal suggestions, and to demonstrate in my own body. In group classes, I usually offer a verbal cue to the whole room rather than singling out an individual. I may very occasionally offer a hands-on assist in circumstances where all of the following criteria are met: We have been working together for quite a while, AND we share a strong relationship of trust and open communication, AND a hands-on assist could be more effective than purely verbal or demonstration, AND I explain in advance exactly what kind of touch is being offered and why, AND the client/student gives full clear consent. You have the right to say no to any or all touch at any time. You have the right to change your mind at any time. Your rights and wishes will be respected, and your choices will not affect our working relationship. In group classes specifically billed as "Trauma-Sensitive" or "Trauma-Informed" (as most of my classes are), no physical touch will be offered whatsoever.
  • Regarding Options
    I offer various options for practice to accommodate as many different bodies, preferences, styles of practice, and levels of mobility / strength / energy / experience as possible. You are welcome to practice differently as long as you are being safe and avoiding disruption to others. You are welcome to ask the teacher/therapist for an alternative at any time. You are welcome to rest at any time. You are welcome to leave at any time (if possible, ideally letting someone know if you are okay and if you would like some support.) General levels of mobility for optimal participation in the class (eg. the ability to get up and down from the floor) will be clarified in class descriptions; if uncertain, please contact the teacher/therapist.
  • Regarding Language
    I do my best to use inclusive language that respects and makes space for many different experiences and ways of being, including many different genders and abilities. I use language of invitation and inquiry, minimizing directive language. I'm here to offer suggestions and ideas, not to tell you what to do or how to feel. I do my best to avoid language that is likely to be triggering for some folks, with the recognition that triggers are as unique as people so I cannot promise a completely trigger-free space. You are welcome to share likely triggers with me in advance so that I know to avoid them, or to let me know if you are feeling triggered and what supports you may find helpful.
  • Regarding Spirituality
    I recognize and honour that yoga is an ancient spiritual practice, philosophy, and wisdom tradition that shares deep roots with Hinduism, Buddhism, and Jainism. I recognize that for many people this is essential and inseparable, and that to take the spirituality out of yoga amounts to cultural appropriation. Meanwhile, for others this can feel in conflict with their own religious or spiritual beliefs, or bring up discomfort due to religious trauma. I recognize that yoga offers many practical tools that can support optimal wellness for the body, mind, emotions, and nervous system (eg. stretching, breathing, observing one's thoughts), without requiring any particular beliefs. Many people feel that the world needs tools such as these to heal and come back into balance. For me personally, yoga is a spiritual practice AND an amazing tool kit, and it feels important to me to honour yoga's roots and origins. I offer a well-rounded practice that includes meditation, pranayama (breathwork), asana (physical postures), and mantra (chanting). My public group classes include a traditional beginning and ending with chanting in Sanskrit, sometimes chanting the names of Hindu deities associated with certain qualities. Like all other elements of the practice, participation in chanting is optional. In private sessions, there are opportunities to customize as per your preference: For those who are interested in exploring the spiritual traditions, practices, and philosophies in more depth, we can do this (to the extent of my own knowledge - Those seeking a deep dive on this topic would be better served by a teacher who specializes in yogic philosophy). For those who prefer a secular approach, we can focus on the tools that resonate with you at this time. If you have a preference, please share this with me.
  • Regarding Communication, Feedback, Accountability, and Requests
    I value open, honest, compassionate communication. I welcome your feedback and constructive criticism. If there is something I can do to better support you, please let me know. This can include making space and tailoring practice for the unique way that you move through the world (eg. disability, health condition, trauma triggers, body shape/size, etc.) - This is my specialty and my priority! This can also include yoga techniques that you want to practice more or less of in your classes/sessions. Invitation to share your ideas for how I can offer the safest and most welcoming, inclusive, accessible space possible. If you have a serious concern that you don't feel comfortable addressing directly with me, please be aware that you can file a complaint with IAYT - International Association of Yoga Therapists.



I humbly and respectfully acknowledge that the land I live and practice on is the unceded territory of the Pentlatch, K'ómoks, and Tla'amin peoples, and that I formerly lived and practiced on the unceded territories of the W̱SÁNEĆ and lÉ™k̓ʷəŋən peoples as well. I humbly and respectfully acknowledge the deep traditional and ongoing relationships of these and neighbouring Indigenous peoples to these lands, and the complicated reality of my presence as an uninvited settler. I further humbly and respectfully acknowledge that yoga is an ancient spiritual and wisdom tradition gifted from India and South Asia, and that it is often misappropriated and misrepresented in Western culture. I am committed to ongoing listening, learning, and action in healing the countless harms of colonization, to preserving the intactness and authenticity of yoga to the best of my knowledge, and to participating in healthier relationship with my Indigenous neighbours, with the source cultures from which yoga emerged, with the land, and with all my relations.


Butterfly Tree Yoga is rooted in the principles of loving kindness, respect, compassion, accessibility, and anti-oppression. I have a strong commitment to welcoming and serving all people with respect and acceptance, regardless of gender identity, gender expression, sex, sexual orientation, (dis)ability, neurotype, ethnicity, colour, nationality, cultural or religious background, citizenship status, age, health status, economic circumstance, family or marital status, or body size or shape. If there are ways I can remove barriers and better serve you, I welcome you sharing these with me. 


Butterfly Tree Yoga is an LGBTQ2SIA+ Positive Space. 

​© 2018-2025 Butterfly Tree Yoga              778-587-8894

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